formation poe:son

projekte profile

ueber poe:son förderverein | kontakt
sarah maria bürgin | jens burde | markus inderbitzin | patricia nocon | nicholas winter
stefanie grob | kenneth huber | michael röhrenbach | jürgen schmid


Born in 1973.

I have lived the majority of my life away from my 'home' country of England, spending my childhood in Germany and Switzerland.
I returned to England to study art and photography in 1991 for 4 years, photography has since become my chosen profession.

Theater was, until 2004, not an area where I occupied myself. Working with formation poe:son has given me a new platform in which to give input in the form of visual ideas and to see them develop. The visual elements of theater, stage and lighting, allow me to express ideas that through photography may not be possible.

Also, photography can be a one person job, I am attracted to poe:son and it's form of theater due to creative process between the members, the work of a sound engineer, an industrial designer, a director who thinks in 'film mode', the ideas of unpretentious actors and actresses, and artists who understand light, it makes an interesting combination.


*1973 in Hannover, wohnhaft in Basel.
1991-1993 Kunststudium am Kent Institute of art & design, Canterbury, England.
1993-1995 Diplomkurs Fotografie am Bournemouth Institute of art & design, Bournemouth, England.
1995-2000 freischaffender Fotoassistent in Zürich und Helsinki.
Seit 2000 vornehmlich als Werbe- und Kunstfotograf in der Schweiz tätig.
Seit 2004 visionelle Kommunikation und Bühne bei formation poe:son.
Fotoausstellungen im In- und Ausland. Publikation in der Polnischen Zeitschrift Kwartlinka Fotografia, Juli 2005.
Mitglied im Verein für fotografische GestalterInnen (VFG).

ueber poe:son förderverein | kontakt
sarah maria bürgin | jens burde | markus inderbitzin | patricia nocon | nicholas winter
stefanie grob | kenneth huber | michael röhrenbach | jürgen schmid